

发布日期:2025-01-03 19:29    点击次数:138

       近三年,我院科研人员发表的学术论文质量和数量都在稳步提高。2017年全年共发表学术论文 74篇,其中SCI,EI收录54篇,一区9篇,二区24篇,三区21篇,四区16篇,五区4篇;2016年全年共发表学术论文 80篇,其中SCI,EI收录44篇,一区3篇,二区14篇,三区27篇,四区32篇,五区4篇;2015年全年共发表学术论文 73篇,其中SCI,EI收录39篇,一区3篇,二区13篇,三区23篇,四区28篇,五区6篇;2014年全年共发表学术论文 75篇,其中SCI,EI收录35篇,一区3篇,二区10篇,三区22篇,四区31篇,五区9篇;出现一批高被引论文,其中单篇被引用达380次。 部分SCI,EI收录科研论文: 2017年 1. 吾尔尼沙. 依明尼亚孜     Asymmetric dark matter in the shear-dominated universe     Physics Letter B, 2017,765,6-10 2. 杨林钰,李斯特,刘军,朱坤杰,刘赛琳,雷鸣     Hollow bean-pod-like SiO2-supported-SnO2/C nanocomposites for durable lithium and sodium storage     Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017,5(4)1629-1636 3. 吐尔洪•吾拉木,阿布都艾则孜. 阿布来提,买买提热夏提. 买买提,吴荣,艾米尔丁. 艾米都拉,买买提艾力. 巴克,郑黎荣,王嘉鸥,钱海杰,吴蕊,Kurash Ibrahim     Local electronic structure analysis of Zn-doped BiFeO3 powders byX-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy     Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,710,843-849 4. 左明清,孟尚勇,李强,李宏祥,常春涛,孙言飞     Effect of metalloid elements on magnetic properties of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses     Intermetallics, 2017,83,83-86 5. 马旭,李强,常良,常春涛,李宏祥,孙言飞     Enhancement on GFA and mechanical properties of Ni-based bulk metallic glasses through Fe addition     Intermetallics, 2017,90,58-62 6. 杨林钰,李慧中,陈励子,李斯特,刘军,闵杰,朱坤杰,王浩,雷鸣     A three-dimensional surface modified carbon cloth designed as flexible current collector for high-performance lithium and sodium batteries     Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017,726,837-845 7. 玉素甫. 艾比布拉     Minimal dominating set problem studied by simulated annealing andcavity method: analytics and population dynamics     Journal of statistical mechanics, 2017,10,103402 8. 李鹏,贾振红,吕国栋     Hydatid detection using thenear-infrared transmissionangular spectra of porous silicon microcavity biosensors     Scientific Reports, 2017,51,44798 9. 陈兆慧,张志忠,董孝宇,史云晶,刘亚琴,井群     Li3VO4: A Promising Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Material with Large Laser Damage Threshold,     Crystal Growth & Design, 2017,17(5)2792-2800 10. 张军,孔维新,段海明     Soft Confinement-Induced Morphologies of the Blends of AB DiblockCopolymers and C Homopolymers     Langmuir , 2017,33 (12)3123-3133 11. 张红燕,贾振红     Development of Fluorescent FRET Probes for “Off-On” Detection of L-Cysteine Based on Gold Nanoparticles and Porous Silicon Nanoparticles in Ethanol Solution     Sensors, 2017,17(3)1-11 12. 张红燕,吕杰,贾振红     Efficient Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between Quantum Dots and Gold Nanoparticles Based on Porous Silicon Photonic Crystal for DNA Detection     Sensors, 2017,17(5)1-11 13. 丁汉芹,马晓娟,张军     Investigation of a four-body coupling in the one dimensional extended Penson-Kolb-Hubbard  model     Physics Letters A, 2017,381(36)3119-3123 14. 艾力江•,阿不都如苏力,丁汉芹,武奎     Synthesis and characterization of two lead-containing metal chalcogenides:Ba5Pb2Sn3S13 and Ba6PbSn3Se13     Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017,255,133-138 15. 张旭龙,徐雷,张军     Valley-filtered edge states and quantum valley Hall effect in gated bilayer graphene     Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2017,29(18)185502 16. 余小慧,徐雷,张军     Topological state engineering by in-plane electric field in graphene nanoribbon     Physics Letters A, 2017,381(34) 2841-2844 17. 高宏强,魏文娟,李一章,吴荣,冯国强,李伟     Uniaxial Negative Thermal Expansion and Mechanical Properties of a Zinc-Formate     Framework Materials, 2017,10(2)151-1-10 18. 李锦,马燕     Novel Flower-like Hyperbranched ZnTe Nanostructures Prepared via Catalyst-assisted Vacuum Thermal Evaporation     Ceramics International, 2017,43(15)11715-11721 19. 阿布都艾则孜. 阿布来提,买买提热夏提. 买买提,亚生. 吾甫尔,艾米尔丁. 艾米都拉,吴荣,买买提艾力. 巴克,吐尔洪•吾拉木,王嘉鸥,钱海杰,吴蕊,Kurash Ibrahim     Electronic structure of La2O3/Si interface by in situ photo emission spectroscopy     Materials Letter, 2017,191,97-100 20. 吐尔洪•吾拉木,阿布都艾则孜. 阿布来提,买买提热夏提. 买买提,吴荣,艾米尔丁. 艾米都拉,买买提艾力. 巴克,郑黎荣,王嘉鸥,钱海杰,吴蕊,Kurash Ibrahim     An  experimental  study  of  the  local  electronic  structure  of  B-site gallium  doped  bismuth  ferrite  powders     Physics  Letters  A, 2017,381(29)2367-2373 21. 张敏,位顺航,任卫,吴荣     Development of high sensitivity humidity sensorbased on gray TiO2/SrTiO3 composite     Sensors, 2017,17(6)1310 22. 李梅善,任卫,吴荣,张敏     CeO2 enhanced ethanol sensing performance in aCdS gas sensor     Sensors, 2017,17(7)1577 23. 姜佳伟,李强,段海明,李宏祥     The effects of metalloid elements (P, C, B) on the properties of Co-based amorphous alloys studied by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations     Computational Materials Science, 2017,130,76-83 24. 吴迪,李强,段海明     Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation on the glass forming ability of Ni-metalloid amorphous alloys     Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017,461,87-92 25. 向硕,李强,左明清,曹迪,李宏祥,孙言飞     Influence of the preparation cooling rate on crystallization kinetics of Fe74Mo6P13C7 amorphous alloys     Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017,475,116-120 26. 吕国梁,朱春花,王兆军,吾尔尼沙. 依明尼亚孜     Effects of Irradiation on the Evolution of Ultra-Compact X-Ray Binaries     The Astrophysical Journal, 2017,847(1) 62 27. 朱春花,吕国梁,王兆军     Effects of the Core-collapse Supernova Ejecta Impact on a Rapidly Rotating Massive Companion Star     The Astrophysical Journal, 2017,835(2) 249 28. 茹克娅•热介甫,吕国梁,王兆军,朱春花     Novae Contribution to the Galactic Lithium Enhancement     The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2017,129(977) 074201 29. 程文华,王磊,张琪炳,王兆军,徐金宝,任卫,边亮,常爱民     Preparation and characterization of nanoscale LiFePO4cathode materials by a two-step solid-state reactionmethod     Journal of materials science, 2017,52(4)2366-2372 30. 谢雪芳,孙君,曹彪炳,段海明     Geometrical and electronic structures of small Co-Mo nanoclusters     RSC Advances, 2017,7(9)4933-4940 31. 吴钊峰,段海明,李志军,郭继玺,钟福如,曹亚丽,贾殿赠     Multichannel Discriminative Detection of Explosive Vapors with an Array of Nanofibrous Membranes Loaded with Quantum Dots     Sensors, 2017,17,2676 32. 吕长武,贾振红,吕杰,张红燕,李彦宇     High Sensitivity Detection of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot-Labeled DNA Based on N-ty     Sensors, 2017,17(1)80 33. 陈兆慧,刘亚琴,史云晶,张文耀,井群,方圆,董孝宇     Two new vanadoborates with new [V2B10O23]∞ double layers,     New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 41(14)6730-6735 34. 张蓓,徐雷,张军     Geometrical and electronic structures of Cu n C ±, Cu n C 2 ±(n = 1–5) clusters: A first-principles study     Chinese Journal of Physics, 2017,55,566-570 35. 孙言州,李治,Ming-Hsien,Lee,杨志华,潘世烈,拜山     First-Principles Assisted Prediction of the Nonlinear Optical Behaviorof Mg3B7O13Cl Crystal     Journal of the Physical Society of Japan , 2017,86(4)044401-1-4 36. 张红燕,贾振红     Application of porous silicon microcavity to enhance photoluminescence of ZnO/PS nanocomposites in UV light emission     Optik, 2017,130,1183-1190 37. 王军,张红燕     Structure and photoluminescence properties of InNfilms grown on porous silicon by MOCVD     Optoelectronics Letters, 2017,13(3)214-216 38. 丁汉芹,张军     From insulator to superconductor in a modified t-J chain with regulated electron hopping     Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2017,186(1-2)10-20 39. 丁汉芹,张军     Superconducting phases in a generalized Hubbard chain with additional off-diagonal hopping processes     International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2017,31(9)1750058-1-10 40. 马晓娟,丁汉芹     Frustration-driven singlet superconductivity in the one dimensional t-U-J1-J2 model with positive interactions     Chinese Journal of Physics, 2017,55(5)1888-1893 41. 高宏强,魏文娟,董李渊,冯国强,蒋星星,吴荣,林哲帅,李伟     Enhanced Framework rigidity of a Zeolitic Metel-azolate vialigand substitution     Crystals, 2017,7(4)99-1-11 42. 刘开通,李锦,徐金宝,徐方龙,王磊,边亮     Study on dielectric, optic and magnetic properties of manganese and nickel co-doped bismuth ferrite thin film     Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017,28(7)5609-5614 43. 何蕾,贾振红,周骏,张红燕,吕小毅,孙迪飞     Enhancement of the quantum dot fluorescence intensity by Au nanoparticle decoration of a porous silicon photonic     Applied physics B:lasers and Optics, 2017,123(5)153 44. 贺永东,陈楚,曾慧楠,李志军,刘向阳,何茂刚     阳极效应对电解铝液中氧化铝夹杂形成过程的影响机制研究     稀有金属, 2017,41(1)64-71 45. 曾慧楠,贺永东,邢诗雨,李志军,刘向阳,何茂刚     Cu-Zn合金熔炼损耗与蒸发过程的动力学研究     稀有金属, 2017,41(3)267-275 46. 邢诗雨,贺永东,曾慧楠,李志军,刘向阳,何茂刚     铜熔体覆盖保护与熔炼损耗机制研究     稀有金属, 2017,41(6)684-692 47. 玉苏音•马苏木,沙依甫. 加玛丽,托合提•木塔力普     Relativistic Hydrogen-Like Atom on a Noncommutative Phase Space     International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017,56(9)2724-2737 48. 高宝龙,买买提热夏提. 买买提,亚生. 吾甫尔,阿布都艾则孜. 阿布来提,奎热西•依布拉欣,王嘉鸥,刘晨,赵佳丽     In situ study on the thermal stability and interfaces properties of Er2O3/Al2O3/Si multi stacked films by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy     Superlattices and Microstructures, 2017,104,415-421 49. 张琪炳,王磊,朱春花,孙志鹏,程文华,吕丁丁,任卫,边亮,徐金宝,常爱民     Enhanced Electrochemical Capability of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 Cathode Materials Coated with Fluoroborate Glass for Lithium-Ion Batteries     Chem electrochem, 2017,4(5)1199-1204 50. 马霞,王静     掺杂硅纳米梁谐振频率的理论模型及分子动力学模拟     物理学报, 2017,66(10)106103 51. 孙君,谢雪芳,曹彪炳,段海明     A density-functional theory study of Au13, Pt13, Au12Pt and Pt12Au clusters     Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2017,1107,127-135 52. 姜园园,谢雪芳,伊力亚尔•海米提,陈楚,段海明     Theoretical simulation of CO2 capture by Al11Mg3- cluster     Materials Research Express, 2017,4(4)046302 53. 刘静,戴康,沈异凡     HBr(Χ1Σ+ v''=5)分子与H2, N2, CO2和HBr间的近共振振动-振动能量转移     光谱学与光谱分析, 2017,37(10)3000-3005 54. 张志忠,董孝宇,陈兆慧,史云晶,井群     Pb10V6O25: A new lead vanadate with apatite structure     Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017, 1151, 223-229           2016年 1. 别陆洋,李强,曹迪,李宏祥,张继君,常春涛,孙言飞     Preparation and properties of quaternary CoMoPB bulk metallic glasses     Intermetallics, 2016,71,7-11 2. 陈凤娟,贾殿赠,金学坤,曹亚丽,刘岸杰     A general method for the synthesis of graphene oxide-metal sulfide composites with improved photocatalytic activities     Dyes and Pigments, 2016,125,142-150 3. 位顺航,吴荣,徐晓翔,简基康,王海霞,孙言飞     One-step synthetic approach for core-shelled black anatase titaniawith high visible light photocatalytic performance     Chemical Engineering Journal , 2016,299,120-125 4. 王兆军,吕国梁,朱春花,武宝山     The Diamagnetic Phase Transition of Dense Electron Gas: Astrophysical Applications     Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific , 2016,128(968)104201-1-11 5. 郭俊江,董亚强,满齐奎,李强,常春涛,王新民,李润伟     Fabrication of FeSiBPNb amorphous powder cores with high DC-bias and excellent soft magnetic properties     Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016,401,432-435 6. 马旭,甄妮,郭俊江,李强,常春涛,孙言飞     Preparation of Ni-based bulk metallic glasses with high corrosion resistance     Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016,443,91-96 7. 张敏,张德重,景付义     Hybrid Photodetector Based on ZnO Nanofiber Polymers With High Spectrum Selectivity     IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , 2016,28(15)1677-1679 8. 买买提艾力. 巴克,艾米尔丁. 艾米都拉,甫尔开提. 夏尔丁,热依玛汗. 热西丁     Enhanced proton acceleration by intense laser interaction with an inverse cone target     Physics of Plasmas, 2016,23(8)083107-1-6 9. 丁汉芹,张军     Investigatation of the ground state of the anisotropic extended Hubbard chain at weak coupling     Physics Letters A, 2016,380(40)3292-3296 10. 张明明,徐雷,张军     Topological states in two-dimensional hexagon lattice bilayers     Physics Letters A, 2016,380(41)3389-3393 11. 赵方,徐雷,张军     Manipulating interface states in monolayer-bilayer graphene planar junctions     Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2016,28(18)185001-1-7 12. 阿布都艾则孜. 阿布来提,买买提热夏提. 买买提,吴荣,亚生. 吾甫尔,吐尔洪•吾拉木,伊明江•买买提,王嘉鸥,钱海杰,吴蕊,奎热西•伊布拉辛     An in situ resonant photoemission and x-ray absorption study of theBiFeO3 thin film     Ceramics International, 2016,42,10624-10620 13. 吕长武,贾振红,刘亚军,莫家庆,李鹏,吕小毅     Angle-resolved diffraction grating biosensor based on porous silicon     Journal of Applied Physics, 2016,119(9)094502-1-5 14. 沙依甫. 加玛丽,侯铁军,高君,Marco,Guzzi,Joey,Huston,Pavel,Nadolsky,Jon,Pumplin,Carl,Shmidt,Daniel,Stump,C. -P. Yuan     New parton distribution functions from a global analysis of quantum chromodynamics     Physical Review D, 2016,93(3)033006-1-39 15. 黄君本,买买提热夏提. 买买提,潘世烈,杨志华     Hierarchical active factors to band gap and nonlinear optical response in Ag-containing quaternary –chalcogenide compounds     Journal of solid state chemistry, 2016,239,30-35 16. 霍文生,陈国英     The nature of Zb states from a combined analysisof ?(5S) → hb(mP)π+π? and ?(5S) → B (?)Bbar (?)π     European Physical Journal C, 2016,76(3)172 17. 李林苹,杨志华,雷炳华,孔庆荣,李明生,张冰冰,潘世烈,张军     Active performance of tetrahedral groups to SHG response: theoretical interpretations of Ge/Si-containing borate crystals     Physical Chenmistry Chemical Physics, 2016,18(8)6077-6084 18. 李芳儿,朱春花,吕国梁,王兆军     The Contribution of Chemical Abundances in Nova Ejecta to the Interstellar Medium     Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan , 2016,68(3)39-1-8 19. 周泽岩,魏琴,李强,蒋炳良,陈铀,孙言飞     Development of Co-based bulk metallic glasses as potential biomaterials     Materials Science and Engineering C, 2016,69,46-51 20. 阿西木江•阿布都沙塔尔,吾尔尼沙. 依明尼亚孜     Abundance of Asymmetric dark Matter in Brane World Cosmology     Communication in Theoretical Physics, 2016,66(3)363-368 21. 阿拜. 艾力哈孜,刘静,戴康,沈异凡     CO2在与高振动激发NaH碰撞中的量子态分辨能量再分配     光谱学与光谱分析, 2016,36(5)1317-1322 22. 李艽,刘艳琦,张菁菁,梁小刚,段海明     Density functional theory study of the adsorption of hydrogen atoms on Cu2X (X = 3d) clusters     Chem.  Phys.  Lett. , 2016,651,137-143 23. 刘艳琦,张菁菁,李艽,梁小刚,段海明     Hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen adsorption on Rhn-1X (n = 2–5, X = 3d, 4d atoms) clusters: A DFT study     Comput.  Theor.  Chem. , 2016,1085,56-65 24. 梁小刚,伊力亚尔•海米提,段海明     Dynamical stabilities of the icosahedral-like clusters and their ability to form quasicrystals     AIP Advances, 2016,6,065017-1-9 25. 张菁菁,孙君,刘艳琦,李艽,梁小刚,段海明     The first-principles study of Al12X (X = Sc-Zn) clusters and their adsorption of H, O and N     AIP Advances, 2016,6,075312-1-13 26. 吴丽,王倩,李国栋,窦巧娅,吉旭     不同退火温度的Al2O3:C薄膜热释光和光释光性能     物理学报, 2016,65(3)037802-1-8 27. 窦巧娅,王倩,邓保霞,吴丽,吉旭     乙醇对纳米多孔氧化铝薄膜热释光的影响     发光学报, 2016,37(1)22-27 28. 丁汉芹,张军     Insight into nearest neighboring three- and four-electron processes in a one-dimensional correlated lattice system     Journal of the Physical Society of Japan , 2016,85(5)054704-1-5 29. 丁汉芹,张军     Superconductivity in a one-dimensional correlated quantum system     Modern Physics Letters B, 2016,30(19)1650231-1-11 30. 丁汉芹,张军     Metal-insulator transition in an one-dimensional extended Hubbard model at quarter filling     Chinese Journal of Physics, 2016,54(2)237-243 31. 丁汉芹,张军     Superconductivity in a SO(4) symmetric one-dimensional interacting system with diagonal three-body attraction     Chinese Journal of Physics, 2016,54(5)744-749 32. 阿布都艾则孜. 阿布来提,吴荣,买买提热夏提. 买买提,亚生. 吾甫尔,艾米尔丁. 艾米都拉,买买提艾力. 巴克,吐尔洪•吾拉木,王嘉鸥,钱海杰,吴蕊,奎热西•伊布拉辛     Electronic structure and room temperature ferromagnetism of C doped TiO2     Solid state communications, 2016,243,7-11 33. 王海霞,吴荣,位顺航,余力瑞,简基康,侯娟,王静,张红燕,孙言飞     One-pot  solvothermal  synthesis  of  ZnTe/RGO  nanocomposites  andenhanced  visible-light  photocatalysis     Chinese Chemical Letters, 2016,27,1572-1576 34. 居麦克日•买买提,沙依甫. 加玛丽,买买提阿布都拉•海克木     Landou-like problem on a non-commutative space     International journal Theortical physics , 2016,55(6)2913-2918 35. 孙伟超,朱春花,王兆军,吕国梁     The gamma-ray sources in classical novae     Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016,361(8),275-282 36. 阿不都赛麦提江依斯坎德尔,朱春花,王兆军,吕国梁     Velocity Distributions of Runaway Stars Produced by Supernovae in the Galaxy     Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy , 2016,37(3),22-33 37. 闫静芝,朱春花,王兆军,吕国梁     The effects of convective overshooting on naked helium stars     Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2016,16(9)141-148 38. 何蕾,贾振红,周骏     Properties of fluorescence based on the immobilization of graphene oxide quantum dots in nanostructured porous silicon     Chinese Optics Letters, 2016,14(4)041601-1-4 39. 张红燕 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